From Iceland — Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 1

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 1

Published January 13, 2014

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 1

Most Awesome Letter
Carol Plunkett
I gazed in awe and wonder as God’s pyrotechnics played
Across a pale Icelandic sky with crescent moon displayed
The ground a frozen wasteland and the sea a crystal braid
And all the while Aurora danced her dance of light and shade
I walked across a snowy hill whose summit tipped the sky
I gasped aloud at shooting stars that flared a last goodbye
The constellations windows to a world beyond my eye
And all the while Aurora trailed her tendrils from on high
Though I was just a young girl then the memory charms me still
When I traversed the snowy wastes and tramped atop that hill
And braved the biting midnight wind to stand for good or ill
Perchance to see Aurora dance the dance she’s dancing still
I’m sure you get this all the time, but we found our visit a mind-bending experience and one that we have raved about non-stop to anyone who would listen. The object of our visit, the magical Aurora, was just the icing on a very unique, quirky and awe-inspiring cake. Hope you like the poem, though I can’t hope to do it justice.
Loved your newspaper too – it sums up the Icelandic character beautifully!
Carol & Mike Plunkett
Dear Carol and Mike-
It’s true that visitors often tell us that they’ve had amazing visits to Iceland—something we never tire of hearing—but none of us can remember the last time we got a poem specially composed to commemorate the occasion. Were you a poet before your visit? In either case, we hope the muse stays with you into the future.
The Grapevine

Dear member of the Grapevine crew,
this summer your magazine published an article about the Heimaey volcano eruption in 1973, especially about a documentary “My unfamiliar home – Accepting the Volcano”. It was told there that the DVD would be available in English “later this year”. Maybe you could tell me whether the DVD is out now, and where you can order it.
It was very interesting to read your magazine and learn more about the country and the issues discussed at that time. And your “best of Reykjavík” list offered ideas at least for the next twenty visits.
Many thanks and kind regards,
Rainer Krems
Hohen Neuendorf, Germany
Dear Rainer-
You must have a sixth sense! We checked in with Jóhanna Ýr Jónsdóttir, one of the documentarians who made “My unfamiliar home,” just after you sent your email, and she told us that only hours before, she had sent the film abroad for DVD production and packaging. The DVD, which was completed in mid-December, has subtitles in English, Spanish, German, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian. There isn’t a website where you can buy the documentary yet, but take a look at the Facebook page (Útlendingur heima – uppgjör við eldgos) for purchase and contact information.
Do you usually have such prescient timing? Is there anything we should know?
The Grapevine

Hello Everyone,
First off, I enjoy your website very much. As a Canadian male of forty eight, I probably don’t hit your demographic, but I stumbled upon your site and love it.
My question is, are there any jobs for professionals from Canada ? I worked in media, television and broadcasting. I started in sales right out of University, then marketing and advertising for a number of years, before become the Director of Operations.
I have been researching Reykjavik and Iceland for a month now, and I truly would love to relocate. I would enjoy your input.
Thank you very much.
John Dickins
Hey John,
It’s difficult for Canadians and Americans to get a work permit. Unfortunately… Not sure what to tell you. Your best bet is probably to marry an Icelander.
The Grapevine

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